Pawsome Start Puppy Education


This 5 weeks class is a great option for anybody who has a puppy at home, whether it’s their first puppy or not. Plus, it’s a great supplemental class to our Playful Paws Puppy Play and, by taking our Puppy Education class, you will certainly enhance your experience in Playful Paws!

In this class we are going to dive deeper into active and passive socialization, key puppy developmental periods and learning how to continue to socialize your puppy outside of class! We will take breaks between curricula and allow your puppy to play, all the while teaching you what good play looks like, how to reinforce appropriate play and how to redirect inappropriate behaviors! This is also a great class for shy puppies who need to work on their confidence, as we will do confidence building exercises. You will also learn how to establish markers and cues to create communication with your puppy and provide them feedback. We will also guide you on how to potty train your puppy, cover puppy biting/nipping/chewing, no jumping, crate training, establishing a training routine, as well as provide ideas for mental enrichment! For a complete list of what we cover in this class, please see below “Topics Covered”. 

You do NOT want to miss this class, as it will give you the foundations you need to help your puppy have a pawesome start!

Topics Covered
Value of Treats | Puppy Socializing | Confidence | Puppy Developmental Periods | Markers & Creating Mutual Language With Your Puppy | Setting a Training Routine | Potty Training | Puppy Biting/Nipping/Chewing | Go Find It Game | Bite Inhibition | No Jumping | Crate Training | Toys/Games/Mental Enrichment

Location: 18325 E Girard Ave, Aurora, CO 80013

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Level 1: Pawlite Paws Basic Obedience


In this 5-week class, your dog will learn all about positive reinforcement and how to train in a way that works and that is FUN for both you and your dog. You will learn what to do when training seems not to work and how to set your dog up for success by setting gradual expectations. By the end of the class we will make sure your dog will know how to sit, lie down, stay, watch you, touch, leave it and how to walk nicely on a loose leash.

Pawlite Paws is suitable for dogs of all ages.

Behaviors Covered
Sit | Down | Go Find It | Watch me| Touch | Stay | Leave It | Loose-Leash Walking | Come When Called

Location: 18325 E Girard Ave, Aurora, CO 80013

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Saturday Classes at 10:30am
Sunday Classes at 9am
Tuesday Classes at 6pm


Take your dog’s obedience skills to the next level! In this class we will help your pup improve on their Basic Obedience class skills, as well as work on more advanced obedience commands. We will also be discussing polite greetings for pups on a leash and relaxation exercises for your dog when the day just holds a little too much excitement.

Behaviors Covered
Distance Sit + Down | Implied Stay + Down | Get Back | Go to Your Bed/Matt/Crate | Leave | Relaxation Exercises | Take It | Drop It | Spin | (Spin the) Other Way | Shake | (Shake the) Other Paw | Bow

Location: 18325 E Girard Ave, Aurora, CO 80013

Note: Your dog must have taken Basic Obedience Class previously to attend.   
If your dog took a basic obedience class with another trainer they are welcome to join our advanced class as long as they can perform the basic cues. If you are unsure, please contact us with the cues that your dog already knows and your goals and we will help you pick out a class.


Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Sunday Classes at 11:30am

Level 3: Whimsical Paws - Tricks & More


In this level we will continue to work on improving your dog’s skills as well as engaging more with our pups by teaching them to think outside the box through learning tricks. One of the primary tricks that we will learn is ‘Pick It Up & Hold It’, followed by an improved ‘Drop It’. We will talk about why learning the first trick will improve your dog’s mastery of ‘Drop It’. For this trick we ask that everyone bring an item to class to practice with. Additionally, we will cover how to use a clicker for training (if you wish to do so)!

Weather permitting, we will conduct some of our class time outdoors.

Behaviors Covered
How to use a clicker | Wave | Leg Weave | Crawl | Rollover | Roll back | Bow | Play Dead | Wipe your paws | Get back | Go to Your Bed | 101 Things to Do with a Box | Enrichment Games | Pick It Up & Hold It | Criss Cross, Apple Sauce | Roll Over | (Roll the) Other Way

Location: 18325 E Girard Ave, Aurora, CO 80013

Note: Your dog must have completed Basic & Advanced Obedience before taking this class. If you have any questions, please let us know!


Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Sunday Classes at 11:30am

Reactive Paws


Do you have a dog that exhibits on-leash reactivity, such as barking and lunging, when he or she sees other dogs? Does your dog become stressed, uncomfortable, or over-aroused in the presence of other dogs, and do you have a hard time keeping your dog calm and focused when other dogs are around? This may be the class for you!

In this outdoor 5-week class, we will help you understand your dog’s reactivity, and will give you methods for managing and modifying it. Our goal is to help you teach your dog focus, impluse control and relaxation so that walks and outings can be more fun and less stressful for you both. Over time we can change the dog’s emotional response to his or her “triggers”.

Dogs who do NOT fit into Reactive Paws Class
          •Dogs who have done major damage to another dog (such as hospitilizing another dog)
          •Dogs who bite their handlers when their handlers try to redirect them from focusing on another dog

For dogs who do not fit into a Reactive Paws class, we would recommend consulting with an in-home trainer first.

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Saturday Classes

Level 1: Pack Walks

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Are you ready to practice with your dog in a while having fun and getting in your daily walk? Pack Walks is a fun, 5 weeks class where you get to join other pet parents on outings with our trainer to learn new skills and hone older techniques.

For this class we we will go to a different location each week (Star Kay Ranch-Aurora, Tagawa’s, Horseshoe Park & Wash Park), brushing up on our loose leash walking skills, learn and practice safety commands, and teach you the skills to successfully recall and heel with your dog. This will prepare you for long walks and hikes on your own, as we practice in a group setting amidst every day distractions.

Behaviors Covered

Loose Leash Walking | Come Behind | Come Front | Safe/ Middle | Polite Greeting | Recall | Emergency Recall | Polite Greeting | Heel Foundations | How to NOT Say ‘Hello’

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Saturday Classes - See Times Below

Level 2: Pack Walks


For this class we will continue to brush up on our loose leash walking skills, practice safety commands learned in Level 1, and teach you the skills to successfully recall and heel with your dog. We will also cover emergency recall and having your pup stand on an object (great for safety AND photos!). This will help continue to prepare you and your dog for long walks and hikes on your own, as we practice in a group setting amidst every day distractions.

Pack Walks Level 2 is a fun, 5 weeks class where you get to join other pet parents on outings with our trainer to learn new skills and hone techniques from Level 1!

For this class we we will go to a different location each week (Star Kay Ranch-Aurora, Tagawa’s, Horseshoe Park & Wash Park),

Behaviors Covered
Advanced Heel | Stand | Intermediate Emergency Recall
Continued Practice
Loose Leash Walking | Polite Greeting | Recall | Come Front | Safe/Middle | How to NOT Say ‘Hello’

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Summer Sunday Classes at 8:30am

Level 3: Pack Walks


For this class we will continue to brush up on our loose leash walking skills, practice safety commands learned in Level 1, and teach you the skills to successfully recall and heel with your dog. We will also cover emergency recall and having your pup stand on an object (great for safety AND photos!). This will help continue to prepare you and your dog for long walks and hikes on your own, as we practice in a group setting amidst every day distractions.

Pack Walks Level 3 is a fun, 5 weeks class where you get to join other pet parents on outings with our trainer to hone techniques from Level 1 and Level 2 amidst distractions at a mixture of new and old environments!

For this class we we will go to a different location each week (Star Kay Ranch-Aurora, Fox Hill, Tagawa’s, Wash Park & Red Hills – Parker).

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Summer Saturday Classes at 12:30pm

Pubs n' Pups

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Are you ready to practice with your dog while in a social environment and tasty snacks? For our Pubs n’ Pups 3-week class, we will be practicing passive socialization and obedience skills at the Lowry Beer Garden. We will work on your dog’s ability to relax and listen to obedience cues in a social environment.

Please note that Pubs n’ Pups requires purchases of food or drink from the Lowry Beer Garden that is a separate charge from the cost of the class. 
**Minimum of 2 dogs, maximum of 5 dogs per class. Be sure to make a payment to secure your spot in class!!**

Behaviors Covered
Go Find It | Relaxation Exercises | Leave It | Safe/ Middle | Go to Your Bed/ Matte | Polite Greeting (people) | Stay | Advocating for Your Dog

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Summer Saturday Classes at 12:30pm

Pawsitive Muzzles

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This outdoor 4-week class will teach you and your dog the skills to utilize a muzzle in a fun and positive way for both you and your dog! We will show you how to help your dog to feel comfortable in their muzzle by playing fun games and engaging them in a rewarding way. Being proactive about muzzle training for your dog can help them to feel comfortable with the muzzle versus adding one without preparation to a situation that may already be stressful for your dog. Additionally, it can provide you a level of peace of mind due to the reduced rick of bites.

Additionally, our trainer will help you to choose the style of muzzle that fits your dog & their behaviors best and how to successfully reward your dog while they’re wearing their muzzle.

A muzzle is a preventative tool that keeps your dog from engaging in dangerous behaviors such as eating inedible objects and biting. Muzzles are useful tools for dogs who are either unable to successfully “Leave It” when interacting with items that are dangerous to ingest or for dogs who may act out of fear in social situations – when going on walks, grooming, veterinary visits and more.

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

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