Dog Park Etiquette

Hurley 1

In this 2-hour workshop, we will learn what to look for as far as proper play, how to identify problematic body language, when to call your dog back to you and when to praise your dog for great play, how to carry treats and how to deliver them and when it’s a good idea to keep walking… The purpose of this workshop is to develop awareness and improve your (and your dog’s) experience at the dog park.

NOTE: This workshop is for humans only, no dogs, and takes place in the classroom.

Click on the button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Creative Paws: Snufflemat

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This is our first DIY creative class! In this 2-hour workshop, you get to work on a fun feeding toy for your dog while getting to have your dog with you while you do so. A Snufflemat is a popular shaggy mat that you can feed your dog on and we are going to make it together from scratch. Each participant is going to leave with one Snufflemat ready to use.

$10 for supplies is due for the trainer in class.


Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Engage the Nose


In this 4-hour workshop, we will teach you how to engage your dog’s nose and have fun. This is NOT an official NoseWork class but rather a fun class to teach your dog to follow his nose and hunt for treats. What a great way to help your dog use one of her greatest assets to build confidence and provide mental stimulation.

Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Dogs 101 for Kids

Lucy and marvin (Laura's testimony)2

This 2-hour workshop is designed to help your kid learn how to interact properly with a dog. We will teach them how to approach an unfamiliar dog, and how to pet them. We will also teach your child about canine body language so they can identify if the dog needs a break. We will also go over what to do if a dog is jumping on them or just being too playful.

NOTE: This class is for kids 5 and up. Kids under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.  Please no dogs. Our trainer will have her dog and will go over some fun bonding exercises you can do with your kids and dogs at home.



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Games and Enrichment


“A tired dog is a happy dog.”

Looking for some ways to keep your dog happy, healthy and busy?

Join our 4-hour workshop and learn how to enrich your dog’s daily routine and supply them with tons of mental stimulation by utilizing canine enrichment games and activities. Mental stimulation enriches our dogs lives by giving them something meaningful and challenging to do. Also, because these activities alleviate boredom, they decrease the likelihood of our dogs developing behavioral issues such as excessive chewing or barking.


Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Tricks in 1-Day


Don’t have the option to commit to 4 weeks in a row? Join our 4-hour workshop and have fun with your dog!

In this workshop, we will teach the foundations of clicker training, backing up to a target, jump over a leg, back up in a circle, Paws on a target, say your prayers, push a skateboard, jump through a hoop or even through your arm, Peek-a-boo, Figure eight and backward scoop.


Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

Trick Class


In this 5- week class, we will teach you to do more with your dog, create deep connection, and teach your dog to think outside the box!

Behaviors Covered: How to use a clicker | Shake| Other paw | Spin | Spin the Other Way| Wave | Leg Weave | Crawl | Rollover | Roll back | Bow | Play Dead | Wipe your paws | Get back | Go to Your Bed | 101 Things to Do with a Box

Note: Your dog must have completed Basic Obedience Class before taking Trick Class.


Click on a button below to register for our upcoming class dates.

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